august 31, 2012

Todays entry in the "Clothes on Demand" Campaign

Yours Clothing

Todays dress review is based on:

This time it is the actual dress in the link.

  • Lining: 100% Polyester
  • Main/Contrast: 100% Viscose

  • Grrr...Polyester - it is a thing with plussize - heat  and artificial material. As such the dress is sleeveless so it should be ok.. But in general the detailing is not bad as such - it just isn´t super. And styled with some nice accessories it could be usefull.

    But if I had my way with the "Clothes On Demand" Campaign. Then the cut could be changed to fit my bodytype much much better as this dress has a cut not good for my body. And the dresses with a good cut ...I ´ll not go there.

    Jacket review:


  • Main: 100% Polyester
  • Lining: 100% Polyester

  • Granted most lining materials are polyester today. And polyester wouldn´t need ironing. But it surely has to be a superpolyester type not to "feel" wrong to the touch.

    And the cut?? Not for the curve figure as the buttons are straight on the bust. Slightly below - please. If a jacket is to be figurehugging it has to follow the curves - not try to hide them.

    Please do check out this wonderfull glass sculpture or artist

    I am truely fascinated by theese works of art and wish they were able to put in my garden as they would never fit in my house :)

    But I wonder if you could get the same colorfull - lightness in another material so it could be widespread theese great works of art. Or are "we" limited to lightfixtures?

    Learning By the Net - Campaign

    Todays entry in the LBN is a link to a site with some great pictures. If you like me seem unable to snap thoose great shots yourself

    I was actually online trying to find a template for a peacock to put on my reallife notebook to "sprouse" it up a bit. And then I stumpled on to this.

    Free Wallpapersite

    And of course the previous post on free photos still helps a newbie blogger

    august 30, 2012

    Campaign "Believe or Trust"

    Todays entry in the "Believe or Trust" campaign is inspired by a book I read some time ago.

    There is a 14 years old girl crying on a TV- show about schools. -"I am just so stupid. I am not as smart as other people" and then the TVshow cuts to the girls room. She has tons of prizes and awards as she is the danish Youth champion in horsebackriding.  The Author (Claus Buhl) and I both agree:"What is wrong with this picture...."

    A talented young girt - heartbroken and without confidence as to her academic skills- because she knows that her talent is not of the same value as other skills.....hmmmmmm.

    And this is not just a "school" thing aka my post about the girl and her wedding dress. We seem foster people that are unsure of themself. I wonder why?

    Picture is from a wedding site in honor of the poor girl and her wedding troubles.

    Campaign "Clothes On Demand now"

    Today entry in the "Clothes On Demand" campaign is looking at "Evans" from the Top shops list and - first off- tumbs up for not using dolled up models that could blur my impression of the dresses.

    Tumbs down prices :(


    Tumbs up: Material = jersey which should work for hot days in contrast to the dress we looked at yesterday.

    Tumbs down: limited sizes and color again.

    Again machines are doing the job. Do the dress if customers ask for it.

    -" Well shops wouldn´t sell much if they couldn´t trick buyers into a rush - buy due to limited sizes"
    Well now I am not buying anything because they didn´t have what I was looking for. So...

    As for the jacket:

    LOL - well read all of the above. ;)

    NOT the dress from the link - just amazing that we have designers who dare outthere.

    Todays Campaign Entry "Learning by the Net"

    Sigh - and puff

    For the 5. time I tried getting Wordpress going so I could get my webpage a blog. AND blogger outthere promoted Wordpress as features didn´t hazzle as much as Blogger. ( See previous post on Blogpost header). But I got nowhere. Evenwith online "Chat-help" from and pictureguide. Which have me thinking: I feel absolutly stupid as -"I understand what you are saying but the computer is not doing what you say, so stop saying the same stuff every time". Like the joke:

    Online Chat helper: Open "Windows"
    Man leaves computer and opens windows as requested.

    Well - either I am like 19 steps behind IT evolution or Evolution has not yet evolved into a IT - world for us all.

    august 29, 2012

    Crack open the Campagne of your choice

    Many thanks to

    As I can now alter my background for the post titles....Hurrah'

    Please feel free to crack open a bottle of your choice and rejoyce with me.

    I know it looks a bit scary and - yes- blogger will warn to NOT alter and instead use CSS additioin in "layout". That didn´t work for me. But the link tutorial did. So you give a try.

    But why - Blogger - am I to mess with the HTML - code ? why is that not a standart option for bloggers?

    Back in Photo business

    In my "Learning by the net" campaign I am back at photo altering. And despite a great danish tutorial with a few simple steps:

    • adjust contrast
    • adjust color
    • export picture
    I am still not quite getting there.

    It doesn´t have that appetizing feel to them.

    and then there is the entry titles

    (Correction: the blogger post titles. learning curve continues)

    Ladybird blog designs: Blog tip - Nu kan du nemt sætte en ny font i din indlægstitel

    So no --- I can´t change the title of the entry ...:(((( Can you?

    Ladybird blog designs: Blog tip - Nu kan du nemt sætte en ny font i din indlægstitel

    "Clothes On Demand"

    Todays entry in the "Clothes On Demand" Campaign is a review of SimpleBe as I see it.

    Not the dress mentioned in the link. And I am looking at something shorter.

    I am looking at jackets and dresses.

    First item the dress:,size:

    As such the dress looks ok and the cut - well - it seems to fit my curves. BUT !!!! the materiale is a major "no-go"

  • 79% Polyester, 13% Viscose, 8% Elastane. 

  • Can anyone spell - sweatonaza....

    This dress is not to be worn when you get warm/hot. So tumbs down.

    Second item - the jacket:

    Note materials is not so important as you wear it on the outside. But still not great materiales.


    •  is from the petitecollection. Why ?
    • Is only avaible in black. Why ?
    So for gals looking to buy a nice summerdress and fitted jacket - it is a no-go. And for thoose wanting to pay a bit more for some great materiales. Tumbs down.

    Yet other reason for "Clothes on Demand"

    august 28, 2012

    Free blogger templates - maybe

    As I am blogging in my notebook today - I am adding this link to free blogger templates.

    And so I was "hacked"

    Medusa was an eastern garter snake with scarring on her face.  Sadly, she died giving birth to a still-born litter.  Don't mind the mud.

    Many thanks to the above website that helped me removed a virus. I wonder how I contracted the darn thing and curse thoose pirates of the www.

    Next link is just me getting inspered:

    Campaign nr. 3 Trust or Believe

    Mathmap works well on centered circle shaped picture. 
The original picture is <a href="">
here</a>Today I came to realize that even clicheés have their right to be.

    My story start with my own wedding some time ago. I found a forum and came to notice how many brides was uncertain as to their dress.

    One girl had found 3 dresses that all look pretty on her. One favoured her waist  with pearls and one her butt  very simple and elegant. The last one was rose - full extravaganza. She loved them all and looked to the forum to help her out.

    There was just as many opinions as the were people on forum. -" I like the simple" "I like the Wow" and so forth.

    That confused her even more and she was completely uncertain.

    This same thing suddenly came to me today. But in the opposite manner. I suddenly thought to myself. "-Trust in who you are". I will never appeal to every single person in the world. And I will never agree with everybody. I am just me. I am a kind -  funny person who likes cake.

    It all happened because I started compare myself to something.

    During my life I have been to 2 job interviews where I didn´t get the jobs. Job 1: the next interviewed was more fun. Job 2 other applicant more vivid.

    Shortly after thoose interviews I was sort like....What am I to do? Am I to do "stand-up for beginners"?

    Then I spoke to my friends and they were all like: "you are funny - perhaps not ha ha all the time- but I like you and we laugh alot"

    My other friend didn´t get 2 jobs because "she seemed too nice".

    So theese above mentioned ladies all want to be "in tune with the right". But to what extent are we to be different so that more people like you and when is just being "you" enough?

    Campaign nr. 2 "Clothes On Demand Now"

    As some of you know I have been surprised or annoyed by the fact that I know you can have your customized clothes pattern made for you by a computer -program within 15 min. Then another machine cuts it and the yet another machine sews the clothes. So !

    Why are we consumers not able to get "Clothes On Demand"?  Granted every little shopkeeper can not have 3 large computeroperated machines in their backstore. But most shops are nowadays large franchines and could have the machines place around the world in central operated places.

    "Well I wouldn´t know what I would look like in that XX?" you say

    Aha ...we could have one size (like we have now) and/or color in the stores to try on. And then get it costumized....Because not all of us want blue jeans mayby we would want pink jeans. Or bright orange.

    "Well large coperations can´t have some many different options on hand?"

    Not true go to your local market and look in a sewing shop. It is possible to have different fabrics or colors on deman.

    "It will cost the jobs of a bunch of seemstresses" Hello It allready is....So if one company were to keep seemstresses for finishing touches. It would rather keep jobs then loose jobs.

    So please join "Clothes On Demand"

    Posting 3 Campaigns today

    Hello dear friend in the world wide web.

    Campaign nr. 1 Bloggerintent.
    Today I am (as per learned in the bloggerposts previously) posting one post pr. opinion. Starting off with what is learned on the internet today:

    • Use bullitpoints ;)
    • 250 words per post as Search engines sort out tons of words before choose the ones to show- such as I-was-oline- You - are - Kind. Basically all the word we use. Ending or keeping only the unique 5 word that is left.
    • Why do people read on the web?
    That last one needs a bit more explanation. I use the net for information and insperation. So I like blogs or posts that do such things. But would I read my own posts as such? When I read about blogging it said-"use like diary or voice your opinion." But if people don´t read to be entertained but then what are posts for?

    Then a blog should be more like a notebook where people could choose to the note that "fit" their needs.

    • What sort of blog would you like and how to design it?
    When I go looking for information I like blogs like:

    But when I go for insperation I like blogs like:

    But what does a newbie - blogger do if you want to be an intermix? If "your" blog was to be straight up information and yet have "pretty" - "girly" stuff. I mean if your intent with your blog is dual?

    Pretty and girly not going to well as design of blog is still not going like I would have like it to :(

    LOL---forgot A/employ picture or video

    august 27, 2012

    Photo - links

    Still trying to get some great pictures for my blog especially for my blog, I found this one:

    If you scroll down there is some picture - links.

    God bless the man for showing me... but

    It really is a good tutorial as having great pictures for your blog but - Wow.

    I´ll give this one a shot but it is still not quite what I am looking for

    This took forever to load. Am I really to load to computer then to Piscara then to the webalbum and then to the blog???

    Just so you know I am really trying on my own

    I do really trawl the internet to get help but I am not getting there on my own (hinting at before mentioned photowizard)

    You should also adjust brightness at the same time, if the photo is too dark or bright in general.
    4. Enhance saturation
    Brighter and more vivid colors look usually nice to human eye, so it is often good to enhance the saturation of an image a little bit:
    Layer – New Adjustment Layer – Hue/Saturation

    I don´t think Piscara has the funtion or option
    The composition, lights, and the way the photographer takes the photo is more important than how a photo is edited with any program. A passable photo can't be turned into something great with photoshop.

    For example, a photo of a young lady. It was early morning, under a cloudy day (no direct sunlight). After a few test shots, she was relaxed and I shot this photo, focusing on her eyes only.

    I shot it in RAW mode and converted it with Adobe Lightroom. I edited it a bit with Adobe Photoshop (to remove a few pimples)--but that was it. I suppose I was lucky--because her parents liked it.…

    But of course, to answer your question, if you meant to correct minor exposure or other errors, I think (free) programs that you work locally on your computer (rather than uploading a photo to a server) is better. Surely others will suggest their favorites.

    Hmmmmm... so if I would like to show some DYI I made, I would need to "stage" the picture?

    That was what I got ?
    Same ball - same place and not one of them show off what the veloursphere looks like

    Photo - wizard still wanted...

    For you Picasa wizards outthere I am still looking for a bit of help.

    How do I turn this?

    Into this:
     I mean as to colortone and shine ....more appealing???

    Getting on the "road" with the WWW.

    Todays post will be about the www - world because I have made my own webpage and would like it to be found. And - NO - not on a general search I am not wikipedia.  But when I use my last name and some words I know is to be found on my page then ---- I would like my page to be there. BUT

    • Google tumbs halfway up - I can put it forward to get indexed
    • Yahoo - hours spent logging on my account and getting nowhere :(
    • Bing - ??? now I got to get yet another account and then perhaps I will get ok.
    Don´t get me wrong.  I understand that the whole world is not looking for my page. But let´s say I love pink and blue dogs and looking for that webpage. If the person owning the page only has an account at google and I am looking with Bing then I ´ll never find my soulhobbymate?????

    I think I am wondering if my world will be limited to what my search engine will let me see?

    Am I forced to search on all search engines possible? or can I "trust" my engine to find what I need?

    For thoose who read the Beauty Rant

    august 26, 2012

    Todays Quiz question

    Ok - so I have read and am wondering whether to use:

    • Jump - breaks - alluring or annoying ?
    • Width or size of blog  - largere then life or thiny ?

    Let me know what you think.

    Later edit: I am award that this post is NOT as per the 250 words. But I struggle between my endless rant and a virtual dialogue with people in the Gobal Universe.

    For You to Enjoy too - bloglinks

    A follow - up post to the privious one about blogging: - Read and used this one - Yep - Read and used - this one I wish I could do this. You know like some people have a natural feel or view of the visual - I have not.

    Please leave a note or something you get the use of pictures or alternative use of pictures on blogs. I find it hard to find royalty pictures and then how to alter them into creative looks. So let me know if you have some " 10 easy steps".

    So My Learning Curve contiunes

    As many of you know I am a newly blogger and it has indeed been a learning curve "experience extraordinar". So far I have learned:

    1. How to make a personalized header.... Download this (photoaltering program of your choice) and find your imagesize in the HTML. (That followed of course by a warning from Blogger: "Don´t mess with HTML, as it will alter parameters if not handle correctly". Which leaves the newly blogger ????? (LOL)

    2. How to make a userappealing blog: colour - spelling(which you have noticed is my weekness)- balance

    3. Employ video and Photos - wonderfull that one I got all on my own. ;)

    4. Be different... ??? I get what is implyed but the one is hard. Do one have to be Julia Child?

    5. Stick to 250 words. (or 14 lines - yes I counted LOL).

    That last one sort of ends this post for obvious reason. But I am getting smarter by the minute.

    Good luck to you outthere in the Gobal Universe.

    august 25, 2012

    Please try my makeshift beauty test

    Please do try my makeshift beauty test aka the pictures in the privious posts and tell me which you choose from the hair to ... and why let´s see what is truely attractive or mayby we should have some more picture. Note please that I am avoiding people or faces. Is Helle Berry or  Jessica Alba pretty women? Sure - but we are not testing beautfull people with make-up/stylist help. We are trying to find the attractive that could go grocery shopping if you get my drift.

    What sort of cut is good for you?

    different cuts explained

    I am not recomending as I have never brought anything. I just think you might get some sort of insight to the different cut  that your clothes could have if we hade clothes on deman.

    (Let´s start a campain for "clothes on demand")

    The beauty rant continues

    So what was my point with the photos below - see privious posts.


    1. Beauty is truely in the eye of the beholder- whether you like short or long hair or white or black lace

    So if you like something - let´s say you would like a blue figurehugging coat like the one in the Michel Ganier then you should be able to get it as that is your demand as a customer. BUT I can´t do that as the 20 shops in my town don´t carry that - so I can buy a tunica or a tunika.

    Which is fine for now. But if we want a fashion - different- exciting world, should the market be more flexiable??

    If I could sew I would ...
    If I could pay a tailor I would

    And if I didn´t know that most sewing work today is made by machines I would doubt my idea. But it is scary that if one person would/buy the machins we could have tailormade clothes on demand.

    What a glorius world.

    Attractive the sequal

    As per the Michel Ganier painting - let´s look at some material and color:

    What is attractive ? Part 2

    Someone was wondering if I wouldn´t continue my ranting about attractive or not attractive(formerly entitled what is sexy)

    Look at theese three pictures. Which siloutte would you find attractive?

    You all know that I am for the cokebottle despite the fact I might look like one of the other siliouttes. LOL.

    But if you like one of the three pictures and your body is going for something else or look like something else. What can you do??

    august 24, 2012

    Etikets on blog...sorry danish

    But you should be able to find your version on your google.

    What is Sexy??

    I am know I have been away for while. But creating my website is sooo adictive and I spend hours designing the darn thing. But I have come to think:

    What is sexy?

     Look at this girl. She is wearing more clothes then I. And yet she is flithy and alluring.

    So what makes sexy.
    1. I think curves to some extent which is why most women are highly sexy IF they show their curves. Coke Cola agress with me. The "old" glass bottle was shaped like at curvy women. Mind you not at triple DD with a tinny wiehst line( Barbie ???)
    2. Choice of materiale. I have a ton of sweatshirt and let´s face it. Not at very sexy material. Actually the paintning might give some hints. The ligther the better. I know that a nude person in a big cardigan will turn more heads and be sexy. But we are talkning everyday life and shopping in the grocery store.

    But making curvy clothes/figurehugging is not high on the agenda of my local clothshops. And the materials is all cottonblend with something polysomething. So what to do, if you want to a real women???

    august 16, 2012

    More blogger tips

    english webpage

    If you - like me - are a newbee blogger then read the link for bloghelp or bloghjælp as we said in Danish.


    Relay ....Jamaican style  Press on the link.


    See the video for this one

    Usin Bolt salute Press on the link and skip MAc commercialFrance celebrate on the podium after winning the gold medal against Sweden

    Got to love theese guys. Great job for winning the gold and a huge Yuppiii for the salute. It makes me smile every time.

    Closing Ceremony - Monty Python Eric Idle - London 2012 Olympic Games

    Great song at a fantastic show. I actually think that that show - the choregrafy(?)  was sooo cutting egde like I image the London fasion scene. If made in China It would be more strict and orderly and the Brasilian showed their take on a show. But I dooo like this. The newspaperwrapping that calmed the vue with the many thing going on. And the detail of the coulered trucks with Madness going by. Topgrade show. I wonder what will top that.

    One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful

    Yes I do have younger people living in my house ;)

    Justin Bieber - Baby ft. Ludacris...

    Brian Jr. and Niko McKnight - Marry Your Daughter (Lyrics)

    It is driving me insane

    It is driving me insane but I cann´t it to work.....:(((((((

    Just Breathe - Pearl Jam - nr 2 on my top 3 list. Louis being 1.

    Amazing song ...and lyrics.

    U2 - Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of (Lyrics) .....nice :)

    I like this one :)

    New bloggers

    A bit of help for new bloggers

    La Vie en Rose - Louis Armstrong - My favorite song of .....

    THE BEATLES- HERE COMES THE SUN Top 3 songs of my life

    Per Vers one of my favorite songs :)

    Hjælp til nye bloggere

    Hjælp jeg er ny blogger

    Wafande feat. Kaka: Gi' mig et smil - Give me a smile :)

    2 Unlimited - No Limit (LIVE @ Smukfest 2012)

    gotta love the 1990

    Trust - Trailer .....scary but very very must see

    Yolanda Be Cool Vrs DCup - We No Speak Americano (Official Music Video) ...

    The Inbetweeners Movie - Dance Scene [FULL]

    Alina Devecerski - Flytta på dej [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

    Tres Tres Joile(?)

    What a fantastic painter - and what a great motífe.

    Michel Garnier - "Young  at the palace" not the correct title but close;)

    The greastest movie ever sold.

    A must see :)

    The greastest movie ever sold.