juni 08, 2012



Sew Background

Using the zigzag stitch on your sewing machine and the off-white thread, sew together two pieces at a time of the 5mm thick felt to create a four piece grid.  You will need to roll the felt on the right side to fit it through the machine.  If you are worried about the felt remaining perfectly lined up while sewing it, tape each seam together on the back of the felt with masking tape.  It is easy to remove even after sewing over it.  Back stitch at the edges and in the center for durability.  If the felt pieces are uneven after sewing them all together, trim edges straight using a rotary cutter , cutting mat and non-slip ruler.

Trace Templates

Trace a circle approximately 13-inch in diameter with a fabric marker.  My garbage can lid worked perfectly!  This circle will be your guide for placing the flowers once you have cut them.

Download and print flower templates here.  Cut out templates.  Trace flower and flower center templates onto the 18-inch x 18-inch pieces of ecru felt.  For my wreath I used:
  • 5 Poinsettias (I used the small poppy piece as a center)
  • 9 Poppies (I varied how many poppy layers I used each time)
  • 6 large Asters
  • 4 small Asters
  • 5 Clematis
  • 5 Dogwoods
  • Approximately eleven flower centers of varying shapes and sizes.

Cut Flowers and Centers

Cut out all the flowers and centers using sharp fabric scissors.

To make fringed flower centers, cut along solid lines marked on templates.  To make looped center, first fold the felt on the dotted line and pin.  Then cut along solid lines.  Remove pins.

For all three center types, roll from one end to another to create the center.  You can stick a pin through the center to hold it together until you are ready to sew it.

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