september 11, 2012

Up -date on My E -book writting

I must admit that at every turn and twist there is a new learning curve ahead of me. I am off to some what of a good start and have 20 pages ready. Alas there is 120 more to go(LOL).

As for online help and advice I found these to be of particular help:

www. His advice on blogging is also great(I have posted him once before on the research post. But the site is worth more then one visit when you are at the stage I am at)

She has some great post about writting and getting your book "out there"


Important notes on Fonts etc.

All in all writing a e-book is for everyone. But marketing is a HUGE thing and much more work on a yearly basis then I realized.

  • So write your hearts desire. (Ok I am there)
  • Write in or so It can transfom to a PDF. (downloaded OpenOffice as two of the above recomended)
  • Pictures...copyright and such - Yikes - I have so far used free pictures online from the posts on photos I did earlier. I guess as long as the book is not for comercial use. Photos are still free or ??
  • Marketing - leave next year for just marketing alone. Ups didn´t anticipate that.

Free from Wikipedia

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