maj 15, 2012

Serviet ringe

simple gifts: monogrammed napkin ring in burlap

With the holidays getting closer, there will be lots of gathering and shared meals. We use cloth napkins daily, but this can make for an incredible increase in laundry when you have guests. With the question of "was this your napkin?" and the response of "oh, just grab another"... the wash piles up, and the eco-value of cloth decreases. By creating a personal napkin ring for each family member/guest, you can give a gently used napkin another go at a following meal. Monogrammed rings also dress up a table setting and make wonderful gifts to go along with a set of handmade napkins. (Here's a link to diy cloth napkins and 5 napkin tutes.)
I combined some of my favorite ingredients for this burlap ring, all of which came from my scrap basket and recycling bin. Very festive for such humble materials!

  • toilet paper tube
  • scraps of loose weave fabric (burlap is perfect) cut into short strips and one larger piece for the roll
  • selvedge from a compatible fabric (linen)cut into smaller strips
  • linen covered button(button kits available at sewing shops or online)
  • alphabet stamps and stamp pad
  • Mod Podge
  • needle and thread

  1. Burlap blossom- first loop: fold strip of burlap and secure ends with a stitch.
  2. Repeat first step until you've added all of your loops of burlap. Stitch each consecutive one to the next.
  3. Continue with smaller loops of selvedge.
  4. Cover a shank button with a piece of linen (kits available at most sewing shops).
  5. Stamp with initial.
  6. Stitch button securely to the center of the blossom.
  7. Cut a tp roll into thirds.
  8. Paint a section of roll with Mod Podge.
  9. Attach a piece of burlap to the roll.
When almost dry, stitch the burlap blossom to the covered ring.
If you're really opposed to needle and thread, I'm sure you could get away with glue gunning each stitch step. Don't you think a little burlap blossom would make a fabulous present topper, too?! There are so many ways to customize these... the basic ingredients are a tube and some form of ID: an initial, number, symbol. Make these in your favorite style, and your holiday table will feel complete and personal. I've got another very different version coming up! Pin It
Copied from maya
Projects: Thanksgiving Crafts
Projects: Thanksgiving Crafts

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