A DIY blog for music -loving - cakeeating people like me. A bit of hair and style tips is included - Enjoy
september 30, 2012
september 29, 2012
Armchair Travel
Please do go try this.....I have been to Japan - Florida- Canada- Austria within 10 min and Puerto Rico....It is soo much fun
Please do go try this.....I have been to Japan - Florida- Canada- Austria within 10 min and Puerto Rico....It is soo much fun
Home Styling
This "easy" and Fall vase is from:http://pulchritudefest.blogspot.dk/2011/12/holiday-diy-party-branch-candle-holder.html
september 21, 2012
Believe in .....
It's a prevailing component of many sport psychology theories. When an athlete experiences a loss it can naturally affect their confidence. Athletes are human just like everyone else. Confidence levels directly affect performance levels. So psychology methods are applied in coaching where you focus on what you can control. If a competing athlete feels that there are things they cannot control it negatively affects their confidence and heightens cognitive anxiety. There have been hundreds of studies on this. So after a defeat, especially a difficult one, the idea is too focus on all the things you can control and allocate no energy to focusing on things you cannot control. If you can't control it why waste energy thinking about it? So they focus on the things they can control. THEIR performance. You distance yourself mentally from what the other team did, and focus on things you did that hindered your performance. "We beat our selves" vs. "they beat us". Where did WE go wrong? and then focus on what can WE do to correct it. You can control what you do, you can't control what somewhat else does. The feeling of control allows for perceptions of command and confidence while being able to effectively focus on locating and addressing your own weaknesses.
From Nathan Nutter
september 20, 2012
The Power Queen
I know someone going through a break - up. Theese are for her.
Elvis vs JXL - A Little Less Conversation ft. Elvis Presley
Oh....this one too
Gotta Rock and Roll
Viva Las Vegas
My comment on "Driving music"
As I have entered a debat on "Driving Music" I made this entry to prove my point.
Free webpages vs. paid
Learning by the Net
As you know: I have one page at one.com and now one at wix.com
And so far I am having problems at both sites. They have difficulties loading and publishing my sites. One.com has more options as to contructing the site. Wix has less problems when I want to edit. So it comes down to your taste or patience. If you don´t mind less options as to the construction I would go for Wix in a heartbeat. The time spend restarting or reloading one.com when you only want to change a letter or a word is beyond annoying. And the help-guys(???) is - well :) - not helpful.
As for construction of the pages - remember copyright- size of upload - have many textboxes (allows you to change bits of the text easy as to large text = hard)
As you know: I have one page at one.com and now one at wix.com
And so far I am having problems at both sites. They have difficulties loading and publishing my sites. One.com has more options as to contructing the site. Wix has less problems when I want to edit. So it comes down to your taste or patience. If you don´t mind less options as to the construction I would go for Wix in a heartbeat. The time spend restarting or reloading one.com when you only want to change a letter or a word is beyond annoying. And the help-guys(???) is - well :) - not helpful.
As for construction of the pages - remember copyright- size of upload - have many textboxes (allows you to change bits of the text easy as to large text = hard)
Here copyright is on the picture by the photoowner or ???
september 19, 2012
Today´s entry 19 sept 2012
Writting on my ebook is so time consuming and I tried some of thoose free webpages like moonfruit and googlepage. I didn´t find them as easy as One.com but getting kick off the grid by one.com is annoying me so much.
And pitures has to be rezied all the time. (LOL) in Picasa - help "it read" use resize tool when exporting ...hmmm I don´t have that option. So how do you get pictures to be just 100px
And pitures has to be rezied all the time. (LOL) in Picasa - help "it read" use resize tool when exporting ...hmmm I don´t have that option. So how do you get pictures to be just 100px
september 17, 2012
september 16, 2012
Free webpage builder
Today I made the above webpage at wix.com to start on my next project. So far so good it seems to work and I was published within minutes.
I found it via:
I used it instead of one.com that keept acting up. And I mead in a bad way. I started over 4 - 5 times and was adviced to use "Webcreator" which didn´t extist on my controlboard. Paying for something that doesn´t work is allways bad.
Then finding something online that worked just as well - is rubbing salt in it. :(
Here is an article that might help you:
Or just go directly to wix.com - it worked for me
One more 10 list
Today I made the above webpage at wix.com to start on my next project. So far so good it seems to work and I was published within minutes.
I found it via:
I used it instead of one.com that keept acting up. And I mead in a bad way. I started over 4 - 5 times and was adviced to use "Webcreator" which didn´t extist on my controlboard. Paying for something that doesn´t work is allways bad.
Then finding something online that worked just as well - is rubbing salt in it. :(
Here is an article that might help you:
Or just go directly to wix.com - it worked for me
One more 10 list
september 15, 2012
Bridezillas and wedding crazy gals like me
My friend has started her own firm doing bespoke wedding accessories, if you go look - could you let her know, you found her here: Thank you
E - book writting
Ok--- Today´s ebook learning.
So choice of words and context has to be meaningfull....AND in fictional text one can overload the sensory imagery(?) and in historic text one has to be carefull. Unless there is pictures or eyewitness account to support your claim.
The Bell in english
- The boys went into to woods
- The two boys went into to the lush, green wood and listen to the wind blowing through the leaves
- The two boys went into to the dark forest and the young one fell and hurt his knee
So choice of words and context has to be meaningfull....AND in fictional text one can overload the sensory imagery(?) and in historic text one has to be carefull. Unless there is pictures or eyewitness account to support your claim.
The Bell in english
september 12, 2012
E - book writting
Today has been a rough day at my E - book writting. Finding sources to confirm statements and the list goes on.
Next trying to find the "tone" or style in ones writting. Look at a storyteller like H. C . Andersen.
Look at "The Bell" - "The origianl Mermaidstory" - The Emporer without clothes and the Ugly Duckling
These four stories are great as to the use of sensory storytelling. Notice the long haul - in of the reader in the "Mermaid" and the Mood setting start of the Ugly Duckling.
The storyline of the Bell is so simpel but notice how we are also on a sensory based journey with the two boys before they find the bell or heaven.
H. C Andersen.
september 11, 2012
Todays blog surf.
Todays blog surf brought me to Finish Heavy Metal...LOL... Blogger not quite sure what I am into .
And a blog on drinking(?)
At least the last one was on-going with entries from 2012. Again had a few surf to blog that "died" in 2010
Picture from one of my blogs in reader
And a blog on drinking(?)
At least the last one was on-going with entries from 2012. Again had a few surf to blog that "died" in 2010
Picture from one of my blogs in reader
Up -date on My E -book writting
I must admit that at every turn and twist there is a new learning curve ahead of me. I am off to some what of a good start and have 20 pages ready. Alas there is 120 more to go(LOL).
As for online help and advice I found these to be of particular help:
www. blogtyrant.com. His advice on blogging is also great(I have posted him once before on the research post. But the site is worth more then one visit when you are at the stage I am at) http://www.blogtyrant.com/popular-posts/
She has some great post about writting and getting your book "out there"
and http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/04/16/switch-from-print-to-web-where-to-start/
Important notes on Fonts etc.
All in all writing a e-book is for everyone. But marketing is a HUGE thing and much more work on a yearly basis then I realized.
As for online help and advice I found these to be of particular help:
www. blogtyrant.com. His advice on blogging is also great(I have posted him once before on the research post. But the site is worth more then one visit when you are at the stage I am at) http://www.blogtyrant.com/popular-posts/
She has some great post about writting and getting your book "out there"
and http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/04/16/switch-from-print-to-web-where-to-start/
Important notes on Fonts etc.
All in all writing a e-book is for everyone. But marketing is a HUGE thing and much more work on a yearly basis then I realized.
- So write your hearts desire. (Ok I am there)
- Write in or so It can transfom to a PDF. (downloaded OpenOffice as two of the above recomended)
- Pictures...copyright and such - Yikes - I have so far used free pictures online from the posts on photos I did earlier. I guess as long as the book is not for comercial use. Photos are still free or ??
- Marketing - leave next year for just marketing alone. Ups didn´t anticipate that.
Free from Wikipedia |
september 10, 2012
More on writting E - book and publish it
The link says it:
The Blogtyrant has a lot different things to share:
This link is on the darn SEO....
This one is on e-books
The link says it:
The Blogtyrant has a lot different things to share:
This link is on the darn SEO....
This one is on e-books
september 09, 2012
7 Steps to Effective Keyword Research + indexing
How to get your page indexed
The first step is be sure that your page really is missing from the search index. (Throughout, I'll be talking about the search "index" but each engine has its own index, so you must check every blessed one individually.)
Most search engines allow the use of a special operator to reveal if a page is in the search index. As an example, if I wanted to know if a page from my Web site was indexed, I could search for "site:www.mikemoran.com/aboutmike/index.htm"--the search engine would show the page in its results if it is in the index.
How to write an e-book?
Well people - the next posting is about; how to write an e-book? As far as my Campaigns I have not at all - enough material. But I do have some material ready on another blog so...
Next up in Danish http://thorborg.tv/hvordan-laver-man-en-e-bog.html
Recomended tips: Stehpen Kings "How to write"
http://bloggingwithamy.com/how-to-write-an-ebook-the-guide/ This one looks good
Search engine optimized:
Note Achor links better then local links!
This one you have to go a bit into the video but it makes sense
This is a bit high up in the www - sky
In Danish sorry.
Til alle jer, som kan læse dansk. Det er nogle "løse" noter om reklame og om at oprette forums på ens hjemmeside eller blog. Men jeg sætter dem op som jeg finder dem lige nu.
Tips til reklame på ens blog eller hjemmeside
Du skal absolut ikke være bange for at banke prisen i vejret. Lav evt. tre forslag til firmaet og lad det vælge selv. Sørg for at fokusere på, at firmaets sponsorering går til:
"Vi udbygger løbende sitet med flere videoer, og vi har den filosofi at alle reklameindtægter og donationer skal gå ubeskåret til nye videoer. Disse nye videoer vil blive lavet af eksterne eksperter, som vi vil hyre til at lave nye video serier indenfor forskellige emner"
Jeg har selv haft et gevaldigt hyr med at fastlægge priser på Erfaland. Mit fokus har været at gøre det så let som muligt, hvorfor jeg som minimum sælger bannere for et kvartal af gangen. Det sparer en masse administration. Derforuden er det et forholdsvis nyt site, hvilket betyder at besøgstrenden er stigende. Derfor gælder det jo også om, at få foden idenfor på en god måde - både for dig og annonce-firmaet. Hvis I er gode venner nu, er du sikkert også gode ved dem - rent økonomisk - når dit site hamrer derudad med 25.000 unikke besøgende.
Sørg for en god dialog og husk at prisen i sig selv også signalerer, hvorvidt du er prof eller ej. Start derfor hellere med høje ambitioner end små uden at skræmme dem væk. Sørg for at I finder en konstruktiv løsning sammen, således I begge bliver vindere
CPM 100 lyder altså ikke urealistisk. Prøv at google lidt, mange niche sites tager over CPM100 for deres banner. Til sammenligning kan jeg fortælle dig at listeprisen på mega boardet på Borsen.dk har en CPM 370. Målgruppen er så også ekstrem god, mener det er 60% der har en årsindkomst på over 400.000
Tips til reklame på ens blog eller hjemmeside
Du skal absolut ikke være bange for at banke prisen i vejret. Lav evt. tre forslag til firmaet og lad det vælge selv. Sørg for at fokusere på, at firmaets sponsorering går til:
"Vi udbygger løbende sitet med flere videoer, og vi har den filosofi at alle reklameindtægter og donationer skal gå ubeskåret til nye videoer. Disse nye videoer vil blive lavet af eksterne eksperter, som vi vil hyre til at lave nye video serier indenfor forskellige emner"
Jeg har selv haft et gevaldigt hyr med at fastlægge priser på Erfaland. Mit fokus har været at gøre det så let som muligt, hvorfor jeg som minimum sælger bannere for et kvartal af gangen. Det sparer en masse administration. Derforuden er det et forholdsvis nyt site, hvilket betyder at besøgstrenden er stigende. Derfor gælder det jo også om, at få foden idenfor på en god måde - både for dig og annonce-firmaet. Hvis I er gode venner nu, er du sikkert også gode ved dem - rent økonomisk - når dit site hamrer derudad med 25.000 unikke besøgende.
Sørg for en god dialog og husk at prisen i sig selv også signalerer, hvorvidt du er prof eller ej. Start derfor hellere med høje ambitioner end små uden at skræmme dem væk. Sørg for at I finder en konstruktiv løsning sammen, således I begge bliver vindere
CPM 100 lyder altså ikke urealistisk. Prøv at google lidt, mange niche sites tager over CPM100 for deres banner. Til sammenligning kan jeg fortælle dig at listeprisen på mega boardet på Borsen.dk har en CPM 370. Målgruppen er så også ekstrem god, mener det er 60% der har en årsindkomst på over 400.000
Hvad er CTR?
CTR (click-through rate): Hvor mange brugere har klikket på et link i.f.t. antallet af visninger af linket? På dansk kaldes det en klikrate (klik%). Er den f.eks. 2% så har 2 ud af 100 besøgende klikket på det banner der er vist.
Statestik for siden:
7000-8000 unikke besøgende per mdr.
pt. 28.519 sidevisninger per mdr.
CTR: 0,6 - 0,8 %
Hvordan opretter man et forum?
Talkshow - interview: http://thorborg.tv/hvordan-laver-man-et-godt-debatforum.html
Statestik for siden:
7000-8000 unikke besøgende per mdr.
pt. 28.519 sidevisninger per mdr.
CTR: 0,6 - 0,8 %
Hvordan opretter man et forum?
Talkshow - interview: http://thorborg.tv/hvordan-laver-man-et-godt-debatforum.html
Godmorning All www. surfers
Todays blogsurf was tremendously borring as Blogger was only able to repeatly find the same two blog as drumbased music. The pages was well -contructed and pleasant to look at. But one was in French and the other was for some style of music( but without links to the music?). Todays learning by the net is an old but goodie. What is the intent of my blog? I understand thoose two other blogs on a specfic topic. But a blog like mine is on mulipel topices then what? One webpage said: focus on your passion. Which todays two blog did. But what if you are more of "a generalist" then a specialist?
See - my passions:
then mine page would never meet the "advice" - stay on topic so readers return and follow you page.
Photo taken by (Luca Galuzzi) * http://www.galuzzi.it
See - my passions:
- clothes
- cake
- gardening
- writting
- travels
- food.
then mine page would never meet the "advice" - stay on topic so readers return and follow you page.
Photo taken by (Luca Galuzzi) * http://www.galuzzi.itseptember 06, 2012
september 05, 2012
DIY Lace earings
Oh this one is pretty.... DIY Dolce and Gabbana
DIY Dolce and Gabbana
In some language I do understand but DIY Dolce and Gabbana
september 03, 2012
Caramel Cake...does it get any better:)
Ingredients:½ cup butter
4 oz. unsweetened chocolate, chopped
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
3/4 cup flour
1 cup chopped Caramel Delights
Preheat oven to 325F. Grease an 8-inch baking dish.
Melt butter and chocolate together in a medium saucepan over low heat. Remove from heat and beat into sugar. Add eggs and vanilla. Gradually add flour. Fold in cookie pieces. Spread into prepared pan.
Bake at 325F for 25-30 minutes, or until toothpick inserted near center comes out clean. Let cool completely on wire rack before cutting into bars. Makes between 16 and 24.
Cake - Cake - Cake
Ingredients:1 cup butter, melted
2 cups sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
4 eggs
3/4 cup cocoa
1 cup flour
½ tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
Preheat oven to 350F. Grease a 9x13-inch pan.
Beat butter, sugar, and vanilla until smooth. Add eggs, one at a time. Add cocoa. Combine flour, baking powder, and salt in a small bowl. Gradually add to butter mixture. Spread onto prepared pan.
Bake at 350F for 30-35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted near center comes out clean. Let cool completely on a wire rack before cutting.
Onto the baked goods. I knew that when Amelia was out here that I wanted to make Pizookies. Pizookies are from BJ's Brewhouse & Restaurant, and they're a personal-size deep dish cookie, fresh from the oven and topped with vanilla ice cream. The cookies come in chocolate chip, macadamia, peanut butter, oatmeal raisin, and an oreo-style. They are DELICIOUS. Really, you should go get one. Or if you're on the east coast and the closest one is in Ohio, you should make this recipe. :)
Cake and Icecream...gotta love that.
Ingredients:1-1/8 cups flour
½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
½ cup butter, softened
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar
½ tsp. vanilla
1 egg
1 cup chocolate chips (white, semi-sweet, milk - makes no difference)
Preheat oven to 375F.
Beat butter, sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla until light and fluffy. Add egg. Whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt; gradually add to butter mixture. Stir in chips.
Fill four ramekins with about half an inch of dough on the bottom. (If making a thicker cookie, do adjust the baking time.) Place on a cookie sheet. Bake at 375F for about 18 minutes. Remove from oven and place ramekins on potholders or napkins. Top each cookie with ice cream and ENJOY.
2 cups sugar
2 tsp. vanilla
4 eggs
3/4 cup cocoa
1 cup flour
½ tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
Preheat oven to 350F. Grease a 9x13-inch pan.
Beat butter, sugar, and vanilla until smooth. Add eggs, one at a time. Add cocoa. Combine flour, baking powder, and salt in a small bowl. Gradually add to butter mixture. Spread onto prepared pan.
Bake at 350F for 30-35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted near center comes out clean. Let cool completely on a wire rack before cutting.
Onto the baked goods. I knew that when Amelia was out here that I wanted to make Pizookies. Pizookies are from BJ's Brewhouse & Restaurant, and they're a personal-size deep dish cookie, fresh from the oven and topped with vanilla ice cream. The cookies come in chocolate chip, macadamia, peanut butter, oatmeal raisin, and an oreo-style. They are DELICIOUS. Really, you should go get one. Or if you're on the east coast and the closest one is in Ohio, you should make this recipe. :)
Cake and Icecream...gotta love that.
Ingredients:1-1/8 cups flour
½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
½ cup butter, softened
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup brown sugar
½ tsp. vanilla
1 egg
1 cup chocolate chips (white, semi-sweet, milk - makes no difference)
Preheat oven to 375F.
Beat butter, sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla until light and fluffy. Add egg. Whisk together flour, baking soda, and salt; gradually add to butter mixture. Stir in chips.
Fill four ramekins with about half an inch of dough on the bottom. (If making a thicker cookie, do adjust the baking time.) Place on a cookie sheet. Bake at 375F for about 18 minutes. Remove from oven and place ramekins on potholders or napkins. Top each cookie with ice cream and ENJOY.
Something Sweet
Something Sweet
Ingredients:½ cup butter
4 oz. unsweetened chocolate, chopped
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. peppermint extract
3/4 cup flour
1-1½ cups mint and chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 325F. Grease an 8-inch baking dish.
Melt butter and chocolate. Gradually beat into sugar. Add eggs and peppermint. Gradually add flour, beating until well combined. Stir in chips. Spread in prepared pan.
Bake at 325F for 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted near center comes out clean. Let cool on a wire rack before cutting into bars. Makes about 16.
Ingredients:½ cup butter
4 oz. unsweetened chocolate, chopped
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. peppermint extract
3/4 cup flour
1-1½ cups mint and chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 325F. Grease an 8-inch baking dish.
Melt butter and chocolate. Gradually beat into sugar. Add eggs and peppermint. Gradually add flour, beating until well combined. Stir in chips. Spread in prepared pan.
Bake at 325F for 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted near center comes out clean. Let cool on a wire rack before cutting into bars. Makes about 16.
Cake recipe from USA
from: http://bakesweet.blogspot.dk/?expref=next-blog |
Tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
¼ cup milk
½ tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup flour
½ + 1/8 tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. salt
½ cup butter, softened
10 Tbsp. brown sugar
6 Tbsp. sugar
2 eggs
In a bowl, whisk boiling water into cocoa until smooth. Add in milk and vanilla; set aside.
Preheat oven to 350F. Line 12 muffin cups with paper liners.
In a small bowl, sift flour, baking soda, and salt; set aside.
In a mixing bowl, beat together butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add flour mixture in batches, alternating with cocoa mixture; beginning and ending with the flour. Fill liners about halfway full.
Bake at 350F for 18-20 minutes. Cool on wire rack.
Chocolate Ganache:
½ cup heavy cream
8 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chunks
2 Tbsp. light corn syrup
Heat the cream until boiling, then pour over chocolate, stirring to melt, adding the corn syrup. Dip each cupcake into ganache upside down to get a good coating on it.
My Wedding dress from China Clothes on Demand
Here is my wedding dress custommade. This dress is made in China and I had it made to my size and all.
New header for posts?
| ||
Fra Altmuligkasse |
I am sorry but I simply can´t figure out how people can make this their header on posts
Despite the fact I followed the online guide .....grrr... either I am a bit it-blind or the it/easy access evolution has stopped.
Other relevant research stuff:
http://learn.wordpress.com/get-customized/ ( hmm that wordpress seems to pop up again)
I hope this works....Many thanks to
Well I got the signature but how do I get it in the right place???
Later edit: I got it. But there has to be more types of programs generating the code. So I´ll have more options.
Custommade signatures for the blogger
KISS principle
KISS is an acronym for the design principle “Keep it simple, Stupid!”. Other variations include “keep it short and simple” or “keep it simple and straightforward”. The KISS principle states that simplicity should be a key goal in design, and that unnecessary complexity should be avoided.http://thecutestblogontheblock.com/tutorials/how-to-add-a-signature-to-your-blog-posts-updated
Hello. First of all, I thank you for all your freebies and tutorials. Today I decided to create a signature into my blog posts. I followed your instructions to the letter, created a .png file in photoshop, uploaded this to Flickr. I used the code above: , replacing signature with direct link to my file on flickr. I have tried several test pages and only get a broken link to my signature file.
Any chance you have having trouble with the code again?
Thanks for your help!
From the webpage
With a video for http://www.mylivesignature.com/
This site is also recomending livesignature
Theese two are in Danish
Get more trafic to the blog
Tips to make a blog
Din e-mailsignatur skal/bør indeholde:
- Med venlig hilsen
- Dit fulde navn
- Din jobtitel, der giver mening
- Din virksomhed
- Dit telefonnummer
- Din virksomhedsadresse
- Din webadresse
4.3 Sådan sparker du liv i din e-mailsignatur
- Leg lidt med de skrifttyper, der er standard på de fleste computere
- Leg lidt med skriftstørrelserne – Eksempelvis forstør dit navn
- Leg lidt med farverne – Men med måde
- Leg med forkortelserne eller opsætningen
- Leg med dine formuleringer
- Medtag et godt tip til dine kunder
- Medtag link til seneste nyhed
- Medtag din twitterprofil
- Omformulér “med venlig hilsen” fra e-mail til e-mail
september 02, 2012
Clothes On Demand
This type of figure hugging jacket helps show off the natural curves of your body. It does a particularly good job of emphasising hips, so this will fit very well with those with neat hips. This is great news for those with a neat or full hourglass figure, as the jacket will tuck in neatly to your defined body and help emphasis your shape.
If you are doubtfull as to your bodytype I found this:
I haven´t tried it. But it seems ok. And proves that the cuts/patterns are outthere.
My results nr. 1
Your Complexion
Your overall complexion is quite dark, so the main thing to be mindful of is to not wear black on its own, or at least pair it with odark shades including dark-brown and aubergine during the day, or royal purple for a more sophisticated look. However, to balance out your look, look to wear strong, dark colours very close to your face, and then contrast them with lighter or brighter colours from your additional colour palette.Be careful! Although you can wear two dark colours and one light, or even one dark and one light - never wear two light colours as it will severely unbalance your complexion. This may be difficult in warmer climates where pastel shades may be more comfortable, however try not to wear such tones exclusively and always offset with a dark or bright colour to create a strong contrast.
When choosing colours from your palette, don't be shy and feel free to create good amounts of contrast such as lime, turquoise or emerald with stone or tauple. Do ensure to wear the strongest colours in your outfit close to your face, but if you do end up wearing lighter colours here - balance it out with deeper coloured make up to prevent yourself looking washed out.
Clothes on Demand Campaign Today entry nr. 2
In fairness to the shops I am trawling at the moment I here added some dresses of diffent cuts and color/prints but they are all in silk which is one of the most comftable materials there are.
Clothes on Demand Campaign
Todays search for a good quality dress and jacket continues at
NOTE ....or ...Alarm ...Sale in on at curvety for the plusgirl
Material: Rayon Viscose/Elastane
I am certain I think this is a day dress. As it seems a bit fancy.
Other sugguestion:
NOTE ....or ...Alarm ...Sale in on at curvety for the plusgirl
I am certain I think this is a day dress. As it seems a bit fancy.
Other sugguestion:
But the materials are an issue. Escapcially is the weather is hot or you work in an office.
Either I am blind or IT blind because I didn´t find any jackets at all. So no jacket reveiw possible.
Wide calf boots sale: ONE style boot only in black...don´t be fooled.
Learning by the Net....
Todays blog surf was quite an experience. As I keept going to spanish site such as;
Not that I am completely unable to read Spanish but I was like: hmmmm?? And then I tried out the search funtion at the navigation bar. Turns out that one is just for the particular blog are you looking at. So didn´t get anywhere there.
Again I noticed a lot of mum´s blogs. And they were for a long period of time very active to absolutly not active. I guess blogging is a thing you do and then stop?
But it made me glad I am doing my posting in English. I guess it makes my blog more for the world as to oppose to just Danish. I am not trying offer Chinese or Spanish or....as thoose are worldlanguages too. But let´s face it the language most people try to learn at school or by watching movies is US english.
Has anyone figured out how to put music as in MP3 links on to posts?
Like here:
AND ....Blogger ....why can´t I load photos today?
DIY blog:http://fromtherosecity.blogspot.dk/?expref=next-blog
Not that I am completely unable to read Spanish but I was like: hmmmm?? And then I tried out the search funtion at the navigation bar. Turns out that one is just for the particular blog are you looking at. So didn´t get anywhere there.
Again I noticed a lot of mum´s blogs. And they were for a long period of time very active to absolutly not active. I guess blogging is a thing you do and then stop?
But it made me glad I am doing my posting in English. I guess it makes my blog more for the world as to oppose to just Danish. I am not trying offer Chinese or Spanish or....as thoose are worldlanguages too. But let´s face it the language most people try to learn at school or by watching movies is US english.
Has anyone figured out how to put music as in MP3 links on to posts?
Like here:
AND ....Blogger ....why can´t I load photos today?
DIY blog:http://fromtherosecity.blogspot.dk/?expref=next-blog
september 01, 2012
Entry: Clothes on Demand.
So we continues our search for a quality dress and jacket with great detailing and nice material that feel and look great.
We are at:
At first I was like....yes - this one I would like to review this one. I like it in grey.....But the joke was on me. This is from their normal collection.
I can have this one
Well you say: that isn´t different.
Oh yes...I can only have it black- so the grey which I like - is not for me. Major let- down.
Secondly the samo - samo:
Materials:90% Polyester, 10% Elastane and it is black.
First up: There wasn´t one jacket I really like. This one came the closest.But if this is the figurhugging jacket they can offer. I am not interested.
Note on many figurhugging jackets there is a cut under the chest or breast to snuggle the jacket in and give some curves. That is not the case here.
Material: 100% Polyester
So yet a polyester adventure and not that much though to the cut. Hmmmmmm.
We are at:
I can have this one
Well you say: that isn´t different.
Oh yes...I can only have it black- so the grey which I like - is not for me. Major let- down.
Secondly the samo - samo:
Materials:90% Polyester, 10% Elastane and it is black.
First up: There wasn´t one jacket I really like. This one came the closest.But if this is the figurhugging jacket they can offer. I am not interested.
Note on many figurhugging jackets there is a cut under the chest or breast to snuggle the jacket in and give some curves. That is not the case here.
Material: 100% Polyester
So yet a polyester adventure and not that much though to the cut. Hmmmmmm.
I am going on holiday next year...;)
U2 --Sweetest Thing
New easy hair video
For us glamours groceryshoppers and you gals going to a party. A new video by Luxy Hair. Got to love how easy it is and how great it looks. I wish I could wear theese hearupdoes every day. But they are not great for working in a windy garden. LOL- atleast my groceryguy has the time of his time when I come shopping - hairupdo and all. :)
Todays entry in Learning by the net
Today I went blog-surfing which is me clicking next blog on the navigation bar. Sometimes I hit a lucky streak and "see" fantastic blogs which I try to share with you in google +. But today I wasn´t lucky at all.
The same 2/ two came up 4 or 5 times and they really weren´t blogs for me and one blog that really look interesting had been inactive since 2011. So ..
But then I stumple into:
It is a girl testing different cosmetics and posting pictures for us to see. That was nice. A real person wearing the makeup. But am I - the newbie blogger- to leave a note or comment to say: I have seen your blog?
I would actually like to leave bloggers a note just to let them know someone is watching their stuff. But sometimes I don´t know what to "say". As a blogger myself you sometimes wonder if people read your stuff at all. Or the only viewers are thoose internet pirates and their spam pages? If any of you have an idea how to let people know someone is reading - please let me know. I don´t want to join tons of blogs. So what to do?
I would also recomend this one ...if it was active:
But last entry 2011 it seems to be inactive. Nice pictures though.
Later addition ....I left my first comment for Nia and her reviews. She responded ...TY Nia.
The same 2/ two came up 4 or 5 times and they really weren´t blogs for me and one blog that really look interesting had been inactive since 2011. So ..
But then I stumple into:
It is a girl testing different cosmetics and posting pictures for us to see. That was nice. A real person wearing the makeup. But am I - the newbie blogger- to leave a note or comment to say: I have seen your blog?
I would actually like to leave bloggers a note just to let them know someone is watching their stuff. But sometimes I don´t know what to "say". As a blogger myself you sometimes wonder if people read your stuff at all. Or the only viewers are thoose internet pirates and their spam pages? If any of you have an idea how to let people know someone is reading - please let me know. I don´t want to join tons of blogs. So what to do?
I would also recomend this one ...if it was active:
But last entry 2011 it seems to be inactive. Nice pictures though.
Later addition ....I left my first comment for Nia and her reviews. She responded ...TY Nia.
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