juni 03, 2012


Guest Post: DIY Mercury Glass Tutorial {Kelley Maria}
all images are (c) Kelley Maria
From Jacin: Is there anything prettier than mercury glass these days? I don’t know the exact moment I fell in love with this gorgeous accent, but let me tell you, I pretty much can’t get enough. When I made my daily stop over at Kelley Maria‘s gorgeous and inspiring blog and saw her tutorial to make your own faux mercury glass, I immediately reached out to her to see if she’d like to share it with all of you!  And lucky us – she said yes!  So here she is today {make sure to swing by her blog when you’re done reading so you can give her a hello!}
Hi everyone, Kelley from Kelley Maria here!  I am thrilled to be guest posting today for Lovely Little Details!  Thank you for having me.  I often feature DIY projects on my blog and like to focus them around saving money because who doesn’t like to save money?
Today’s post features a tutorial on how to make mercury glass.  I have always been a fan of mercury glass, but the stuff is so darn expensive so I set out to make my own in hopes of achieving a similar look while also saving money.  Plus, it is way more fun knowing you made it!
I chose to do this project using goblets (that I got from a thrift store for $1 each) and I am going to use them as votive candle holders.  Small votive candle holders turned into mercury glass would look great on tables at a wedding reception!


-       Krylon Looking Glass Mirror-Like Spray Paint
-       Metallic Gold Acrylic Paint
-       Metallic Silver Acrylic Paint
-       Lamp (Ebony) Black Acrylic Paint
-       Sponge (cut into small pieces)
-       Cotton Swabs
-       Cotton Pads
-       Clear glass candle holder
1.  Spray the “looking glass” paint on the inside of goblet.  Spray the bottom of stem base and lightly spray the stem as well.  *Note:  with Looking Glass Mirror-like paint you must paint the reverse of the side that will be showing.  Spray 5 very thin coats, allowing 1 minute between coats.  Paint sprays dull, but reverse side has mirror-like effect.

2.  This next part is very tedious and takes patience!  Dip the piece of cotton in the acrylic paint, switching off between metallic gold, metallic silver and black.  Dab the inside of the goblet to remove patches of the spray paint.  I switched off using the cotton swabs and pads.  Repeat until you have the desired look.  Next, dip the sponge in acrylic paints and “sponge” the inside of the goblet to add some color.  Sponge the stem and bottom of the goblet as well. I used mostly gold and black for the sponge effect.  Once paint has dried, repeat the process of removing paint from the stem and bottom of goblet.

Are these not amazing??  Thank you Kelley for stopping by today!  We hope you’ll come and visit us again soon!
Do you have a lovely DIY you’d like to share?  Contact me!
For all DIYs, click here.

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